Scepticism of the FIR Reflects Distrust among South Africans Over Inequality

South Africa in the year of 2025 stands at a difficult cross roads concerning the route it could take as regards the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR or FIR). On the advancement of this Industrial Revolution refers to the integration of advance digital technologies like AI and robotics, as well as automation, into various economic and social domains. In his 2019 State of the Nation Address, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that he was creating a Commission on the 4IR. The President acknowledged at the time that the 4IR “may lead to job losses”. However, he added, it would also “create new opportunities”: Through this transformation, we can build the South Africa we want, ensuring inclusive and shared growth for all.


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In six years, the commission’s work was able to set up the National Artificial Intelligence Institute and the creation of AI hubs in key sectors like healthcare and mining.

Our data was drawn from the South African Social Attitudes Survey. It’s a nationally representative survey of 2,736 adults (16 and older). We conducted a secondary analysis of the data. The focus was on questions in the survey about technological change, fears of job displacement and access to digital tools. This, alongside an analysis of demographic data in the survey, allowed us to examine class, race and geographic disparities in perceptions of automation, AI and digital transformation.

Some of the key findings were:

  • 56% of South Africans believed that 4IR technologies would lead to job losses rather than job creation. Lower-income groups expressed the highest levels of concern.
  • Unemployment was a key determinant of 4IR scepticism: 63% of unemployed respondents felt threatened by automation, compared to 41% of those currently employed.
  • Only 29% of respondents from rural areas reported having regular access to the internet. The figure was 74% among urban respondents.


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The data above was composed by Zama Mthombeni, senior lecturer, University of Pretoria and Oliver Mtapuri development studies scholar. The secondary survey this academic team conducted is important to understanding public opinion and perceptions on technological innovations. The above survey clearly shows there is fear concerning job losses and that a more integrated approach is needed to improve understanding of how learning new technological skills can benefit the overall population. The overall fear among the general population is further complicated by wealth disparities that date back to the days of state enforced racial segregation.   

  • There needs to be a focus on skills training particularly in the rural areas. The government needs to have the private sector come aboard for this and improve access of the internet of all things in the country side.
  • Unemployed individuals and those in unskilled labour fear automatons and AI could take up most areas in the job market and labour force. New alternatives have to be created.
  • The private sector has a crucial role to play in assisting the disenfranchised in connecting with the 4IR. Government and even civil society need their ear.  


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Entrepreneurs and their start-up companies could pave the way to connecting the labour force and the rural poor to new opportunities available to them in the integration of new technologies.

Perhaps the most obvious example here is if Joburg Water had sensors on the pipelines that immediately alerted it to bursts. Given, though, that all the pipes need replacing as 40% of water is wasted through this broken infrastructure this will, for now, remain a pipe dream. This sort of solution cannot be implemented in the private sector for various use cases. Already, tracking units are used to help fleet companies plan routes, pick up on issues such as excessive idling, and get immediate notifications when a driver has been involved in an accident.

The 4IR is not without its positives and opportunities. The progress in improving the utilities like the sensors on water pipes are still in the works. However there needs to be a focus on enhancing understanding on the benefits of pursuing a course in the path of this new technological innovation. There are always challenges to introducing new innovations. A route is being chartered to enhance society’s way of life. However, the concerns of the overall populace need to be taken into account as to how they may be able to handle its introduction. The guiding light needs to be civil society working together with the state and private industry.   

Article written by:

Yacoob Cassim

Journalist at Radio Al Ansaar

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